Место для рекламы

While i was a bit late
Your heart is not mine
But i can beat mate
For the things he said, bite
The rope of eternal thouhgt…
Mind is the only thing i’ve got
from behind.
This is a late night or young morning,
When i stop the fight with my glory
It’s just the way i see you and me Not for a paypall thing,
Don’t look be…
If i try a newer place,
That’s for us Not for a second chance,
But at once…
It’s just the only thought,
It could be If you would love myself
Just love me…
Love you…

Опубликовал    25 фев 2011
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Don’t know for you all that i’ve got
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And when the morning gets the light
It ressurects from ashes… And become the star
That drive me to you. When the day starts,
Starts my search, for i just made you to believe
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Alone, but didn’t want to And i know
That all this poems doesn’t go…

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